The G|U Blog

  • International Women’s Day 2023 – Who are we celebrating?

    International Womens Day means different things to different people... What do you think? Are you using the day to make a change?


  • The Perfect Fit (Wedding Edition)

    In today's society, doing things the way we want; in a way that aligns with our values can be difficult. We the pressures placed on us at times from older generations to live and celebrate the way they seem fit, it's important to find a balance. Sounds easy right? wait until you are in the thick of it.

    Megan is here to shed some light on eloping, how to stick to your values and beliefs while still being respectful to parents. How to ensure you look back on this day with happiness, not regrets that you went too far the other way and lost the meaning behind your event for the sake of others.

    Enjoy the read xo

  • Reminder: Give yourself a break!

    Thank FUCK it's Friday! 

    I don’t know about everyone else, but I can’t believe it’s almost the end of March... it feels like the weeks have all rolled into one big mess.

  • Next Stop: Masturbation Station!

    Let’s be honest, people masturbate. WOMEN masturbate.

    Maybe not everyone, and that’s okay. But if you think garlic bread is good… you need to try an orgasm!

  • Meet Us!

    GU originally started as the idea for a podcast, and since that moment it has taken so many different twists and turns to finally land us where we are now.
    Our dream is to help change the stigma around female self pleasure, speaking up and loving yourself.
  • Contact Us!

    Hey babes, if you ever need to contact us you can flick us an email, send something to our PO Box, or find us on socials xx
  • GU Hero Packaging!

    See what you can do with your packaging once you've received your product!